The Benefits of Online Learning
Something that all individuals, families, small businesses, and large corporations have all had to learn these last two years, is how to rapidly adapt to change in as positive a way as possible. Although a large number of these changes have been difficult and negative in nature, many of them have been positive as well, sometimes even more effective than the system they have replaced. In many ways, online learning and training has been one of these positive changes.
Learning is ultimately the transfer of information or knowledge through an online platform. During the pandemic the most common platforms can be considered to be Google, YouTube, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams. In the teaching world, although somewhat unconventional in comparison to regular classrooms, learners have been receiving notes and exercises in the form of PDFs, Word documents, video tutorials, and live streamed classes. Through this, learners and thus employees have become increasingly flexible as online courses can be taken at any time with the two constraints of having a device and an internet connection. Lessons can be watched instead of television in the evenings, or podcasts can even be listened to on the way to work. These methods of learning are essentially making it easier for learners and employees to pick up skills more efficiently without eating into their work time.
Online learning also provides an easily accessible support team should your learners or employees require a little extra help or motivation. This is vital when it comes to online assessments or tasks where learners may have to adopt a new set of technology-based skills when completing task. These online assessments are beneficial in more ways than one as they can often remove pressure from students which results in a more comprehensive understanding of the material. Online learning material can also be more absorbable in the way that educators are able to display the information in a more crafted way in terms of visuals, colours, and mediums. At the end of the day, people will always differ in their preferred modes of learning and teaching, but online communication and learning is something that is becoming increasingly permanent in our society. It is, therefore, essential that employees adapt to this mode of daily operations and way of thinking.