Edge Training

Effective Communication

How does ICT (Information and Communication Technology) promote more effective business communication?

How does ICT (Information Communication Technology) Promote More Effective Business Communication? As Forbes puts it, “To become a better leader you need to become a better communicator.” While this may seem like common knowledge for some, it doesn’t mean that all businesses are actively implementing it. Luckily, ICT technologies have blown up in the mainstream. […]

How does ICT (Information and Communication Technology) promote more effective business communication? Read More »

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How Completing your WSP Will Improve your Learning Culture and Retain Top Talent

How Completing your WSP Will Improve your Learning Culture and Retain Top Talent According to Forbes, 66% of employees would leave their current jobs if they feel underappreciated by their employers. In a fast-paced, competitive working environment, holding onto your top talent saves you time, money and company resources. Luckily, we have a solution. By

How Completing your WSP Will Improve your Learning Culture and Retain Top Talent Read More »

What is a learnership and its BBBEE benefits

What is a learnership and its BBBEE benefits?

What is a Learnership and its BBBEE Benefits? Investing in learnerships is vital for obtaining those much-needed BEE points for Skills Development. When done correctly, a learnership can create many additional benefits for not only you, but everyone involved. You can receive numerous tax breaks and benefits, increase productivity amongst your staff or create a

What is a learnership and its BBBEE benefits? Read More »

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