Edge Training

Strategic Management 5

Why Choose a Strategic Management NQF 5 Learnership?

Why Choose a Strategic Management Learnership? One of the most difficult, and yet essential skills in any industry is managing people. By employing first line managers that have been trained to execute their duties at a certain standard, you as a business owner are introducing direction into your company. Let’s talk about why this is […]

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Conflict Management: Why Seemingly Simple is Often the Most Important

Conflict Management: Why Seemingly Simple is Often the Most Important Philosophers, political scientists, diplomats, and other professionals throughout the ages have been in the pursuit of an answer that would cure all problems for the rest of time. The end to all conflict whether it be on a scale as large as the diplomatic arena

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Making Your Emotions an Asset in the Workplace

Making Your Emotions an Asset in the Workplace In contemporary society, there are few skills  needed in the workplace that are as essential as emotional intelligence. Potential employees may believe otherwise, preferring to foster an image of analytical thinking and effective communication skills, however, what you may not realise it that many of the qualities,

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Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills Within the various industries that businesses occupy today, exist unprecedented and unavoidable challenges that must be faced. In a rapidly changing society, industries, and a constantly fluctuating economy, sometimes you might need a bit of extra assistance when it comes to dealing with these issues. This is where the insight and expertise of

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Socio-economic Development: More than just giving back

Socio-economic Development: More than just giving back In South Africa, socio-economic development is not merely about charity; it’s about creating sustainable, impactful opportunities for those who need it most. By investing in social development, community upliftment and various empowerment programs, businesses can significantly impact the lives of the less fortunate.  This blog delves into the

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