Why Choose to Put Your Staff on an End User Computing Learnership?
Every day, our world moves towards being entirely digital. Naturally therefore, the interactions that we have in both our private and business lives, possess an element of the digital that we have become reliant on. It is thus, crucial that your business be up to date with the newest form of digital training. The foundation of this training that allows your team to do this, begins with end-user computing technology. So, what exactly is end-user computing (EUC) and why specifically is it important that your staff possess a thorough understanding of it?
End-user-computing is defined as a term that is used to refer to the technologies that IT professionals use to launch, manage, and secure applications, devices, and data that workers require to perform their jobs efficiently. Having someone or a team of someones on your staff that has an effective grasp on this concept is the key to your business’s success in the modern world where remote working has become an essential element to continuity and growth. EUC offers a way in which to improve the consistency in the desktop and access to user applications in remote offices. By putting a member of your staff on an end-user computing learnership at Edge Training or employing someone new who has been trained by us, you will be ensuring your employees develop skills relating to programmes such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel, that will enable them to operate more efficiently and productively in this crucial field of computing.
These improvements will be brought about through the identification and optimization of the scope of systems that are responsible for the basic day-to-day operating of your business. Some of the skills that your staff will possess after completing the learnership, include being able to use a Graphical User Interface-based word processor to format, merge, and enhance a document by introducing the use of tables and columns. They will also be able to prepare and produce an interesting and appealing presentation according to the specifications of any given brief and ultimately will be able to perform a wide range of other basic skills at a level that will undeniably improve your business’s functioning and output.
Although these skills seem simple to teach, without them the tasks that make up the framework of your business functions would not be correctly executed. In other words, without them, problems would emerge almost constantly and you as an owner would be required not only to micro-manage your staff, but to take on many of these tasks yourself. Practice smart business and let us worry about the little things for you. Enrol your employees in our End-User Computing learnership now and make sure that your foundation remains concrete so that you can grow your business.